Thursday 21 May 2015


Congratulations to Corey for being our student of the week! Corey recieved this award for the fantastic progress he is making with his reading.


Our grade has been working on 'time' in maths. We have been reading and using a class timetable, learning days of the week and sequencing activities that occur within a day. Our next focus will be learning to tell the time. We made some clocks with our buddies and will practise reading O'clock times and and learning about the different features of a clock.

Brooke is showing the class what day it is. We talk about what our day is going to involve.

Archer is very proud of his clock!

Peyton, Isla and Georgia are trying to copy the time on our wall clock.

Jasmina is finishing her clock. 

Saturday 16 May 2015

Student of the week


Congratulations to Isla for being awarded our 'student of the week', for week 5.
Isla received this award for: being a kind, considerate and caring classroom member.



We had so much fun at traffic school and learnt some really important 'road safety rules'. An important message we learnt was that we need to SLLT- Stop, Look, Listen and Think when we are crossing a road.

Fun with our buddies!

We have had fun getting to know our buddies and sharing our learning with them. 

 Billy and Sam reading 'The Very Hungry Bear'. 

 Dalayla is sharing her reader with Ruby and Sharnie. 

 Meg and Matilda are reading a book about school. 

Ryan is reading his 'mini books' to Jerimiah. 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Students of the week

Congratulations to the students who have received 'student of the week' thus far, this term:

Wk 1- Archer- for the terrific job he did with his holiday postcard and for having ‘a go’ at tricky words.
Wk 2- Shaemus- For the fantastic work he is doing with his before and after numbers. 
Wk 3 -Talitha-  For working really hard on her writing and remembering to stretch out her tricky words when ‘having a go’. 
Wk 4- Rory- for excellent work during writing sessions.